Our purpose, vision and strategic priorities chart a bold and courageous path towards a shared future of First Nations leadership and success. We exist to enable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to live empowered lives, and believe self-determining First Nations families and communities with access to real opportunities is paramount to the economic and social health of Australia.
First Nations leadership and success comes in many forms – an Aboriginal and / or Torres Strait Islander person on an executive team, at board level, holding a seat at the decision making table, or the first face you see behind the counter at an Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation, or the individual going to university, pioneering the way as the first to get a tertiary education – all breaking new ground, all standing on the shoulders of giants gone before them.
Giants that have enabled the next generation for success. Success now though must be progress, beyond pre-determined metrics of tick box exercises, it needs to advance the interests of sovereignty. It is establishing a better understanding of the past, intergenerational trauma, the lack of pragmatic healing, and systemic injustices that reinforce the US and THEM paradigm. It is unity for enduring solutions, the creation of a legacy of change that will be here long after you and me, enshrined within our national artefacts a voice for those whose land and independence was never ceded.
First Nations leadership and success is everyone’s business. It requires a coordinated and structured approach to solutions, one with co-determined objectives and metrics to ensure success looks the same for corporate, government and community. This journey is an iterative learning continuum that must be embraced so we can all realise the benefits of equality, equity, and justice.